The Onion


September 22 2017

  • The climb to The Onion starts at Nu-Ti-Jah Lodge at Bow lake on Hwy 93 north.
  • Follow the trail around the lake and up some steps.
  • The a sign to Bow Hut takes you over the chock block to the left
  • Trail follows the creek
  • The through trees
  • Cross creek with open views of the headwall with Bow Hut above
  • Trail goes towards hanging glacier then turns right to Headwall
  • Top of headwall  Bow Hut in sight.
  • Leave Hut to left as if going to Wapta Glacier
  • Go up glacier edge around rockwall
  • Then right up the Onion

We set off on a cloudy snowy day and got lucky as the clouds lifted. With the heavy snow fall scrambling up some of the ledges to the Onion did not look appealing.

The Onion from Bow Lake

The chock block with a ladder

Following the creek

Now into the trees. The snow was mostly gone on the return

The eye partial hidden because of fresh snow

The hut far left and Onion far right

The trail to the Bow Hut goes ahead and right through the headwall

Looking back at the trail up to the Hut

Hut and the onion is behind the hill center

Lee at the front door of the Hut

Heading up the first part of the Onion

With all the snow we headed across to the left and up the edge of the Glacier to come around the rock face

Lee following a well trodden path up the glacier

Lee can just be seen top of picture

The summit of The Onion is somewhere hidden top right

The prominent St Nicholas peak

The last stretch to the summit is not as steep but a long ways off

Mount Olive left and St Nickolas center

Iceberg Lake and Bow lake

There are two cairns this is the one you can see from Bow lake

Wapta Icefield with track disappearing into the cloud

Distance return 19.5 km Time return 7:30 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 930 m Elevation to Summit 820 m Summit height 2695 m

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