September 30th 2022
Knowing this was going to be a long day we decided to pay for the ride up and down on the Banff Sulphur Mountain Gondola. Locals and residents of Alberta get a reduced rate.
After arriving at the top we took the less trodden path to the south or left. I was surprised at the number of peaks and the elevation gain and loss between them. The total that is not reflected on the GPS stats is 1064 m elevation gain. For every down there is an up and vice a versa as you have to return the same way. The elevation difference between Peak 4 and Peak 5 is only 4 m
An enjoyable hike. Very pleased at the end of the day that we only had to wait our turn to ride down the Gondola. Yes we could have gone on further. Would we have been able to descend into the Goat Valley. Maybe but then it would be a long walk out. Hey we had a ticket to ride anyway.

Must be a high point

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