September 23rd 2022

Sept 23rd 2023
Hector Peak South is as it name implies is a sub Peak of the main Hector glaciated peak. Measuring from the turn off at Lake Louise from Hwy 1 at Hwy 93 north it is 12 km and just 120 meters further to the watercourse valley.
Follow the route up on the GPS and not the route down. Fight through the under brush until reaching an old road. Walk right and find a nicer place to forge upward. The tree spacing and bush was way better on our route up. Continue until just about out of the trees and go left into the valley and climb up to the col. At the col go left ,north to another col. At this point on the left you may be able to see the summit we could not due to low cloud. There is some nice coloured rocks like big blocks. This is the crux but no exposure and easy climbing. Continue on up the ridge. On the decent due to the low cloud and the thought that it would be better not to down climb through the rocks we chose a scree gully down into the valley below. It sure looked like a short cut but it turned out to be the same time and distance. The picture above shows Lee walking down the valley to the watershed valley. Do not bother trying to walk out down the watershed it is covered in avalanche debris. Go back to the way up. My track down is harder than the way up. To close to the watershed.
Overall I would like to return some day when the sun is out. The views would be great down the Molar Creek area and of the main Peak of Hector.

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