Smuts Pass to Birdwood Pass to Burstall Pass

Wild Flowers on avalanche slopes

Wild Flowers on avalanche slopes at Birdwood Pass traverse.

July 29th Friday 2016.

Smuts Pass to Birdwood Pass and onto Burstall Pass. The description for the start of this trail is described in this link. The Burstall finish is describe in this link. .That just leaves the middle section. From Smuts Pass overlooking Birdwood Lakes turn left and head towards the trees looking for a thin trail to lead  through the trees and down a sharp drop into avalanche slopes ladened with wild flowers. The view ahead over the open waste lands of stream’s, rock slabs and scree. The Birdwood Pass can be seen. The route goes through on the right hand side of Snow Peak. At the Birdwood Pass a large patch of lingering snow makes for an easy descent. Views now appear of Burstall Trail and Burstall lakes. The next section can be a bit tricky if another patch of snow creeps down from Snow Peak. As it is very steep the option of boot kicking a trail is zero so a detour on the rocks is needed with a bit of hands on scrambling. This is a very short section and should not put you off from doing this hike. After the rocks it is a nice trek down to Burstall Pass with good views of Leman Lake and the familiar view of Snow Peak. Enjoy the views of Whispering Ridge and Mt Sir Douglas and it’s two glaciers before heading back to Burstall Parking 5.5km away where your planted second car awaits.

Lower Birdwood Lake

Lower Birdwood Lake

At the upper top of Smuts Pass . Snow Peak lft

At the upper top of Smuts Pass. Snow Peak left

Looking across at Birdwood Pass with Mt Sir Douglas

Looking across at Birdwood Pass with Mt Sir Douglas Snow Peak right

Dropping down to the low point of Birdwood Pass

Dropping down to the avalanche slopes of Birdwood Pass.

Looking across to Birdwood Pass

Looking across to Birdwood Pass

Looking back art Smuts Col

Looking back at Smuts Col. Trail can be seen bottom right.

Snow Peak and Assiniboine

Snow Peak and Assiniboine beyond

Mt Birdwood at Birdwood Pass

Mt Birdwood at Birdwood Pass

On a big snow patch looking at Mt Sir Douglas

On a big snow patch looking at Mt Sir Douglas

Looking back at Birdwood Pass

Looking back at Birdwood Pass

Burstall Creek and lakes

Burstall Creek and lakes

Cutting across to Burstall Pass under Snow Peak. Snow still in the way June 29

Cutting across to Burstall Pass under Snow Peak. Snow still in the way July 29th

The route through from Birdwood Pass. Taken lower down the Burstall Trail

The route through from Birdwood Pass. Taken from lower down the Burstall Trail


Distance return 20.2 km Time return 8 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 925 m Elevation to Summit 580 m Summit height 2459 m

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Waterfall on Comonwealth Creek

Image 4 of 15

Waterfall on Comonwealth Creek
