Skiing to Chester Lake

Mary on her way. Chester Lake

Mary on her way. Chester Lake

February 21 2014

Chester lake is popular for it’s hiking,backcountry skiing and snowshoeing. Today went on light backcountry cross country skis. The trail up to the lake is about 4 km.

Typical Trail conditions.  Note sign.Chester Lake

Typical Trail conditions. Note sign.Chester Lake

The weather conditions for skiing were perfect lots of  fresh snow with a temperature of -10 C. The only downfall was that at the lake it was snowing so hard we could not see very much.

Entering the first meadow. Chester Lake

Entering the first meadow. Chester Lake

I did not take any photos at the lake due to the adverse conditions.On photos in the gallery you can see the heavy snow.The thought was to go up to the Elephant Rocks but  we deceided it was not worth it today.

Looking dodgy Bill

Looking dodgy Bill

The run back down as always was interesting. The track is narrow with some tight turns but with the fresh snow it was easier to control your speed.

As we were back at the parking lot by 1:30pm so we took a look at the snowshoe trail to Sawmill and it was a pleasant ski. The trail is 10km to Sawmill so after 30 mins we turned around and left that one for another day.


Checking out the Sawmill snowshoe trail

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Checking out the Sawmill snowshoe trail