Ross Lake Snowshoe

December 11th 2019

Started from the parking across the tracks at the Lake O’Hara trailhead. Continued down the Great Divide rd until the Ross lake turn off. Hike up to the lake. From the lake see the trail to lake O’Hara Rd. Continue far enough to descend into the trees to come back to the road and the parking


Great Divide Rd from Lake O;Hara RD

New snow on the Great Divide Rd

Iconic train through the Rockies

Just a little further to the Ross Lake turn

Heading up the Ross Lake Trail from the Divide Road

17 Meanderthals on the trail

An incredible day for fresh snow

Just enough high for me to pass through

At Ross lake Mt Narao is behind somewhere

Ross lake

O’Hara Rd.  turn at Ross lake. We would not go that far.

A group shot of the 17

This is the fun part when we plunged off the trail to head back down to the Divide Rd near our cars

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