The Sentinels of Sentinel Pass
July 11th Monday 2016
Paradise Valley to Sentinel Pass and back down to Moraine Lake. Great hike, superb scenery, fantastic views, just need some sunshine to see it all. We set off on a cloudy rainy looking day knowing we were going to get wet at some point along the way. On arrival at Lake Louise there was a power outage. Dam no coffee. Oh well still no rain. First order of the day was to stash the bikes at Moraine Lake Parking for the ride back to the Paradise Trailhead. Dam again it’s not all down hill. 2 Km climb out of the parking before 7 Km down. Now the confession these pictures were not taken on this trip ( low cloud all day ). They are a combination of these other trips https://willski.ca/little-temple-little-temple-lake/ https://willski.ca/little-temple-little-temple-lake https://willski.ca/wastach-pass-sentinel-pass/ Set off from Paradise Trailhead still no rain. Arrived at the turn to the pass, still no rain. Made the top of the Sentinel Pass by 12:40 still no rain. Set off for Moraine Lake through Larch Valley, barging through the crowds. One hour ten minutes later at Moraine Lake, way to many people, still no rain. On the bikes up the 2 km. Then down the hill into the RAIN. Back at the car soaking wet but the tarmac was dry, nice. Good day glad we took the risk to get out.

Lake Annette

Lake Annette

Crossing rock avalanche. Hungabee and Horseshoe Glacier

L to R Hungabee, Ringrose,Mitre, Aberdeen

Mt Aberdeen

Sentinel Pass. Note people in distant center

Closer to Sentinel Pass Col

At Sentinel Pass. Paradise Valley below

Looking onto Larch Valley & Minestimma Lake

From the Sentinel Col to Mt Temple

Emerald hue of Lake Moraine
Distance return 27.4 km Hiking 15.3 km Biking 9.5 km Time return 6 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 988 m Elevation to Summit 915m Summit height 2640 m
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