Top of Peak One with Mist Mountain
August 30th 2016.
Odlum Ridge is on the Highwood Pass road 12 km from Highwood Pass south to the bike stash and 20 km to Lantern Creek Trailhead. The real hike starts about 500 m north as the picture below shows. Follow over the grown road keeping left as it drops down to the river. After finding a suitable place to cross look along the bank for the old road to continue, most likely to the left of where you crossed. The skid road is a garden of new Alder bush growth. Continue upwards until reaching a water course ( picture ) go past this point looking for animal trails on the right. None of these head up so try to stay left as you sweat up this steep grade. Carry along the ridge past the treed hump, Peak One, Peak Two, down the Col to Peak Three. At Peak Three you have a chose continue west towards the treed mounds leading towards Mount Odlum and return via the old sled road or bail off east back to the Highwood River and Hwy 40. We went down the Ridge to the river to return to Lantern Creek parking by bike an 8 Km ride, mostly down hill. There is no trail down the ridge or across to the river so make sure you memorize the terrain from high on the ridge. Off the ridge bushwhack through trees and wet boggy meadows. Crossing the river is easier here because it is split into two streams. We stashed the bikes south of the guard rail on the corner of the road at a place where the embankment was not to steep and this worked out fine.

At the start of Odlum Trail. Note a couple of rocks. Main rocks blocking vehicle access behind over grown bushes. Note bear warning sign

Lee crossing Highwood River

Beating a way through the Alders on the skid road

Cross over drainage before heading up to the right

Steep going up to the ridge after leaving the trail

Odlum Ridge lower peak in the trees

Nice shelter rock wall on the ridge to Peak One

First Peak

Peak One

Looking towards Peak Two

Peak Two Cairn covered in large ants Ugg. Mist Mountain rt.

Peak Three and ridge out

Looking back along the whole Odlum Ridge

Start of the ridge down

On top of Peak Three. Looking at a further extension of the Odlum Ridge. This would make for a long loop. Advantage is to end up at Lantern Parking.

Looking toward the area to exit through on Hwy 40 not 49

We would come out at the bend in the river

Half way down the ridge out

Crossing the Highwood River to exit to the road. River is split into two so easy to cross with boots on. Also looking back at Exit ridge
Distance return 20.2 km Hike 12Km Bike 8.2km Time return 8 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 1315 m +665m -76m +105m -126m +112m Elevation to Summit 665m Summit height 2514 m
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