July 12th 2023
Ochre Springs Peak in Kootnay National Park . A walk through the Paint Pots starts off this challenging scramble. Walk along the backback trail to Ottertail Pass / Helmet Falls for about 2km. Ochre peak can be seen now. Large wide avalanche path is the route forward. No trail,bushwhack up to your waist in alders, soaking wet in a couple of minutes. Maybe try the creek you end up in it anyway. The route does not relent until the summit. Oh it does get worse in the shale and scree. Steeper as well. This scramble is a ” I will never do this one again ” I went a bit to the left and did OK some went more centre. On the descent we found decent scree far right going down. I have never been on a scramble when only four of us made the summit out of ten. The summit views made up for the gut wrenching grind to the top. Three of the highest mountains in the area Goodsirs ,Temple and Assiniboine. See the mountains of Morraine Lake. Helmet Falls and The Rockwall and many many more.

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