Mt Wendell & Loggers or CMC Valley

Heading to the rocks along Wendell Wall

Heading to the rocks along Wendell Wall

Friday October 11th

Set out from Canmore to hike, Mt Wendell & Loggers or CMC Valley,with no snow on the ground but by Exshaw realized we would be yet again tramping through snow.

This hike starts at the Yamnuska Parking lot. First you have to ascend the ridge just shy of the chimney hole. Turn right at the top of the ridge and follow the path down into the Valley.There is a creek that has to be crossed before turning left up-stream and into the valley. Follow the creek for about 15 mins or 0.75 km or until a good route appears to head up to the wall. Try and miss the Aspen trees.

Wendell Wall from across the valley

Wendell Wall from across the valley

Our objective for the day was to climb up to the Wall and follow it along, to the left of picture, to the water course and loop back down to the creek.

Approx route to Wall

Approx route to Wall

The day was full of elevation gains and losses. The hike along the wall was very impressive. The hike back out of the valley to Yamnuska Ridge is 195 m so save some energy for the end of the day.

Distance 13.0 km  Elevation gain 1025 m    Time 6.0 hrs

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Hwy # 1 Valley

Image 19 of 23

Hwy # 1 Valley
