August 14th 2018.
Mt Fable scramble starts at the legion in Exshaw. Just because there is no parking anywhere closer. Walk west towards Exshaw Creek and follow the trail on the berm. At the water treatment plant follow through gate to road trail keep to the right trail. This is the same trail as for Exshaw Ridge. suggest talking this Exshaw pass trail to save a long walk up the creek though flood debris. It is about 3.5km from the legion to the left turn down 30 m to the creek. Then another 2.0 km to the Fable creek turn. We screwed up at this point and were unsure if we had taken the correct creek as it looks like a box canyon km’s from Mt Fable. Then we went back down the Fable creek and further up Exshaw creek before turning back and trying again. Had we gone up Fable creek a little further we would have realised that it takes a bend to the right. Anyway nothing like adding on a couple of KM’s to an already long day. Follow Fable creek to the summit which is another 4.5 km away. This adds up to 20 km but with all the staggering along the creek I think another Km or two should be added on. See the pictures of the right turn at the trees to get out of the creek. A faint trail helps here. I would only do this scramble on a dry day as there are places on the final approach to the summit where you need good grip on the slabs. Lack of confidence in your grip could ruin your day and maybe your life. On our return we went over the rise at the col towards Gap Ridge and down a nice scree run, before cutting back to the cairn to lead back to the tree area. A long hard day don’t underestimate this one give your self time.

Entering the golden period. We came down the scree leftish and up more right. A cairn helps find the trail on return.
Distance return 23.0 km ( more like 21 km ) Time return 10.5 hrs( 9.5 not getting lost ) ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 1527 m Elevation to Summit 1420 m Summit height 2710 m
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