Lady MacDonald Mountain
Montane Traverse is a local hike which spans 7.8 kilometers of treed forest, you begin the hike from Lady MacDonald trailhead located at the Cougar Creek parking lot. Once you have parked your vehicle and laced up your hiking boots, your ready to go!. When I did this hike, I found that the trail conditions, were very muddy at some sections of the trail. The trail is also used by cycles a lot, so watch out for cyclists at any time your on the trail. Once have gain some elevation on the trail, you will find yourself in a treed forest area. Follow the forest until you get to the first intersection of the trail.
When you have reached the first intersection of the trail, make sure that you continue walking forward and on. Once you have reached the old bridge on the trail, continue hiking along the switchbacks which are common along the trail. Once you have passed the bridge continue walking straight ahead until you can see the Silvertip Resort Golf Course on your left side of you.
You find yourself coming to a your first creek bed located along the Montane Traverse, across the creek and head for the other side of the trail. The path is still very well defined through the trail

First Creek Bed Along Montane Traverse
with some roots along the path. You will find yourself coming to another T-junction which is well sign posted, keep going straight as the other trails will take to Johnny Trail and the Meander Trail which are located in Harvie Heights. You will continue to see the Silvertip Resort Golf Course as you walk along the well defined path. Once you have come across the first creek bed, you can take a break and you see that your halfway already completed the Montane Traverse trail. Once you have passed the second creek bed which is similar to the first. You will find yourself coming up to the last and final leg of the trail, which is the intersection that brings together Johnny’s Trail and the Meander Trail both located in Harvie Heights.

Montane Traverse Elevation

Montane Traverse
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