Lake O’Hara McArthur Lake

Schaffer lake

Schaffer lake

September 21st 2015

This is the second trip to Lake O’Hara this summer. Lake McArthur was the first destination. The Route we took went passed the ACC hut of Elizabeth Parker and then followed the Alpine Meadows Trail to Schaffer Lake. Then up the headwall to McArthur High Level Trail. We then came back via McArthur Low Level Trail and back down the headwall to Schaffer Lake. Then it was on to Big Larches and Lake Loop West to Obabin, passed Mary Lakes. As the weather changed we came back from Opabin and stayed low by cutting back to the Lake O’Hara Circuit passed Veil Falls. The larch were at there best and although it was a cold day it was mostly clear, although a small cloud persisted over Lake McArthur.

Schaffer lake

Schaffer lake from the above the headwall

Lake MacArthur

Lake MacArthur with Mt Biddle behind

Lake MacArthur

Lake MacArthur at Lake O’Hara

Larch trees on Big Larches trail

Larch trees on Big Larches trail

Opabin Plateau and Mary lakes

Opabin Plateau and Mary lakes from Big Larches Trail

The Seven Veils Falls and Lake O'Hara

The Seven Veils Falls and Lake O’Hara

Lake O'Hara Lodge

Lake O’Hara Lodges


LakeoHara2 profile

  • Note the GPS was only turned on at McArthur Lake.

Lake O'Hara Gem TrekGem Trek Map


Distance return 9.5 km Time return 6 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 300 m Elevation to Summit 305 m Summit height 2320 m

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Lake O'Hara Lodge

Image 18 of 20

Lake O'Hara Lodge
