Lake Minewakun Mt Niblock behind
August 17th 2016.
Lake Minewakun is a small lake or tarn under Mt Piran. The trail for the lake starts behind the staff accommodation of the Chateau Lake Louise. It is sign posted to Ross Lake. Take the trail in front of the Chateau as if going to Lake Agnes,turn right a 100m up the trail. The alternative route is to cut behind the parking for the hotel and head up toward the staff accommodation. We ended up coming through the parking garage on the return to try and save time. This was not the right way. Follow the Ross Lake trail for 3.6 km from the Lake Agnes turn. At the Minewakun Creek turn left ( pictures ). Then scramble your way up a steep trail along side the creek passing many beautiful waterfalls. It is about 0.6 km to the Lake but it is steepness that will slow you down. At the lake when the photography has finished head towards the Mt. Niblock Cirque. This is a nice respite from the hike up to the lake and what is to follow up to the Goat Pass Col. We had fun watching the Dippers flying up and down the stream as they did there dip ,dip, squats. After the green wet meadows the hard rock of the mountain starts again. Clambering over large rubble until at the bottom of the col climb. Lee and I went separate on sides and neither way was any good all full of loose dirt and small rock. I ended up on the right trying to get to what looked like solid rock but it was not to be, just steeper loose crap. The center is just as good. At the col we met a couple of Italian tourist who had come up Goat Pass from Lake Agnes. They were looking for the Big Beehive WHOOPS. Not happy with there predicament we explained it would be easier to return via the summit of Mt St Piran. They agreed to follow us up and after lunch at the summit we lead them down. A good deed for the day and another couple of happy tourists. At the summit we met up with two groups from the Meanderthalls that we belong. A good day out on a hike I did not know about. Would I do it again? Not until the memory of the col ascent fades.

At the Ross Lake turn

At the creek out let from Lake Minewakun turn left

The turn at Minewakun Creek

Waterfall along the creek

Stream feeding Lake Minewakun

The Cirque under Mt. Niblock

Rock up to Goat Pass. 280 m of steep loose rock. One of the worse col climbs.

Looking down from the top of Goat Pass. Very steep and loose.

From the Goat Pass up to Mt St. Piran.

Mt Lefroy and the Mitre

Mt White and Mt Niblock. lft to rt

Lake Minewakun from Mt Piran

Descent route from Mt St. Piran. Little Beehive top right.
Distance return 14 km Time return 6:30 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 915 m Elevation to Summit 915 m Summit height 2642 m
Looking up at Mt Piran on the Lake Louise side
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