October 30th 2018
Kent Ridge South is at the south end of Hwy 742 the Smith Dorrien Rd from Canmore. The best way there is on Hwy 40 into Peter Lougheed Park and turn right onto Hwy 742. This will save all the gravel road travel. The trail head we used started at Blackshale Creek which is where the High Rockies Trail crosses the creek on the suspension bridge. Walk up to the bridge and leave the trail on the north, left side of the bridge. Route find through the trees keeping close to the creek. Animal and human trails come and go. Once out of the trees keep the creek on your right and slog up through shale to the first Peak. Very little snow on this section as we had seen the week before from Mt Indefatigable. On the lee side lot’s of snow. We set off for the next Peak although there is a loss of 60 m. There is flagging in the trees to follow but the route is obvious. At the top of the second Peak it was windy and cold and although it would be tempting to carry on it is another 1.5 km to Mt Kent peak. See blog of Kent Ridge North to understand how long this Ridge is about 8.5 km as the crow flys. https://willski.ca/north-kent/

Looking back at the first Peak from the top of the 2cnd Peak. Kananaskis Lake distant. It’s another 1.5km to the next Peak Mt Kent
Distance return 7.0 km Time return 4 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 780 m Elevation to Summit 730 m Summit height 2507 m
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