May 15th Wed 2013

Start of hike at Cougar Creek
This is the first of the summer hikes with the Canmore Seniors Meanderthals Hiking Group. I hope to go out on most Wednesdays and publish pictures and a description of the route,length,time and altitude gained. I intend to keep a running tally of the total distance in Kms and height gained in Metres, not just for Weds but all hikes throughout the summer.
The hike starts from Cougar Creek parking at the junction of Elk Run Boulevard and Benchlands Trail by the Iron Goat Pub. The big flood of Cougar Creek 2013 has made this start point difficult so the next time I started at Canyon West Town Houses on Elk Run boulevard.
Follow one of the many trails up until you intersect the Horseshoe Loop. At this point you can decide if you want to go clockwise or counter, we went counter. Follow the path untill you come out at the dry gully above the ACC Hut.The sign shows the trail for the Grotto Summit. Go up hill following the signs as if to climb Grotto. After about 20 mins of zigging and zagging bear left 2.66 km( small carn and red tape) from new start at Canyon West Town Houses and you are now at the Midline and heading back.There is another turn at 2.8 km keep left.
The path is well-defined and runs along through open areas which give great views of the Bow Valley and Canmore.The flood of 2013 has washed out a part of the path but it is not impassable.
On the sunny south slopes I found lots of wild Crocus.
Total distance 9 Kms Elevation gain 380 Metres Time at relaxed pace with a stop for lunch 4 hours.
New distance is 7.4 km. No lunch stop time 3 hours
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