CMC Valley via Yamnuska Col


Mt Doom & Wendel in CMC valley

Mt Doom & Wendel in CMC valley

June 2 Monday &  Wednesday 11th

This hike CMC Valley via Yamnuska Col is described in G.Dafferns Vol 3. I was in CMC Valley or Wendel Valley last October and thought it would be an interesting hike to loop out the Valley by another route. The first problem was could we cross the Creek in spring with the high run off. On the reccy I found this to be true. So I put plan ” B ”  into effect which was to stay on the Yam side of the creek. No trail is mentioned  so we bushwhacked until the soggy meadow before the trees of the Valley to the Col. It is a little wet but nothing over ankle height. I had some Grid Ref put in as waypoints and that helped considerable. The book talks about finding a yelow ribbon after the soggy meadow but Steve and I did not find it. An animal track is now marked with red tape.This track lead us to far right so next time will veer more left so as to hit the Scree of Mt Doom earlier. Completed the hike again on Wed June 11th. This time stayed more to the left at the soggy meadow and although I did not see the yellow ribbon got lucky and found the main trail. Grid Ref U.T. 11 u 0631291 5666583

Camp site on Yam side of stream

Camp site on Yam side of stream

This is just after the trail hits the bottom of the Valley,up stream.

Typical treed trail in CMC Valley

Typical treed trail in CMC Valley


Unfortunately not all the trail is this easy.

On the trail up to the Col Mt Doom scree left

On the trail up to the Col Mt Doom scree left

Keep to the left of the valley and things go” tickety boo “

Mt Doom & Wendel in CMC valley

Mt Doom & Wendel in CMC valley

This gives a good idea of the last part of the trail to  the Col.

Track down from Yamnuska scramble traverse

Track down from Yamnuska scramble traverse

At the Col looking up Yamnuska Traverse trail.

Looking down the first scree run

Looking down the first scree run

The fun starts here, jumping down the scree slope.

Distance 10.5 km  Time 5.5 hrs Total Elevation Gain 875 m High Point  2010 m

CMC Valley via Col

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Camp site on Yam side of stream

Image 11 of 16

Camp site on Yam side of stream

Marsh meadow in front of route up to Yamnuska Col