Big Sister Scramble

Trail head to Big Sister

Trailhead to Big Sister

Friday August 1st 2014

The Big Sister Scramble is on every scramblers ” to do list” if you live in Canmore. This was my second time with a lapse time of 8 years. I don’t plan on going again any time soon. The first part is  very steep and un-relenting up through the trees. After the tree line there are two choices. One down climb or two stay on the rocky slab spine. Neither one is pleasant. If  you like rock scrambling go the spine route, any fear of exposure and you are down climbing into a terrible scree and scree on slabs slog and rubble. I have tried both routes in pieces and prefer the spine route. Once past the spine the going is more normal following various rocky scree trail to the next big down climb. Don’t be put off it  is not as bad as it looks and has lot’s of ledges.

Small scramble on the Spine before the option of the climb down

Small scramble on the Spine before the option of the climb down


This is the best place to climb down

This is the best place to climb down


This is what you are faced with after the climb down.The Spine slabs on the left above the cliff band

This is what you are faced with after the climb down.The Spine slabs on the left above the cliff band


More slogging after the Spine

More slogging after the Spine


Down climbing before the summit

Down climbing before the summit


On left going up to Summit

On right going up to Summit


Looking down to the down climb.Figure on the top

Looking down to the down climb.Figure on the top


Route up on left to Summit

Route up on left to the Summit


Middle Sister trail foreground & Little Sister.

Middle Sister trail foreground & Little Sister.

Distance return 6.5 km Time return 7 hrs ( inc 30 min lunch ) Elevation Accumulated gain 1365 m Elevation to Summit 1250 m Summit height 2936 m

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Grassy Knoll make sure you end up here on way down or you could be in the creek

Image 18 of 20

Grassy Knoll make sure you end up here on way down or you could be in the creek
