Cascade Fire Road to Stoney Creek Cabin

Bill and his frosty beard

February  20th 2018

Great trip to Stoney Creek Wardens Cabin. Weather a little cold -22c at the parking lot. Not skied  more than twice this year so was expecting a long grueling day and I got one. Well worth it though I have long wanted to see where Dorothy Carlton of Banff had lived as a war bride from England in the late 1940’s. .Great to meet Chuck on the trail and can now put a face to the name. We did not see the sheep he took pictures if on the mountain side.

John ,Helen & Joan at the pinch point to stop the buffalo getting through to Banff

About 6km in to the new Cascade bridge

On the bridge

On the trail after the bridge .Single track

The steep hill we would exit from the Wardens cabin

End of the line at the washed out bridge

A long way back

End of the track set. Washed out bridge ahead

Horse pasture at Wardens Cabin

At Stoney Creek Wardens Cabin

Lunch on the deck Wardens Cabin


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